eCore PIM ( Product Information Management )

PIM-system is everything tool for centralized management of product information, which allows efficiently works with large volumes of data and ensures consistency of content on all sales channels. It helps store, manage and share accurate data about products in different formats and for different platforms.
The main functionality of our

Convenient adaptive interface — easy work with product descriptions, images, attributes and modifications.


Category and Product Management — Intuitive inventory management.


Support for different languages ​​— convenient work with multilingual content.


Built-in AI tools — automatic generation of descriptions, meta tags, and translations.


Image optimization - automatically convert images to webp format for faster loading.


Working with suppliers' price lists - uploading, processing and linking product items to your assortment.


Pricing system - manual pricing and automatic pricing based on supplier prices with flexible rules.


Batch loading of content — support for data import in various formats and from various sources XML, XLSX, CSV, API, google sheet, etc.

Categories and products

Category Tree, Name, SKU, Description, Image Gallery, Warranty, Price, Availability

Work with text data

Multilingual support, AI translations, AI generation of product descriptions and SEO data

Images and attributes

Automatic conversion of images to webp, typed attributes, multi-attributes

Prices and pricing

Downloading supplier prices, flexible and automatic pricing system

Exporting to markets

Separate content and prices for marketplaces, preparation of XML files


Creating content for different platforms — creating individual descriptions and characteristics for different channels (sites, marketplaces).


Integration with third-party systems — support for integrations with ERP, CRM, online stores.


Preparation of downloads for marketplaces - automatic content generation for such platforms as Rozetka, PROM, Google Merchant, Hotline, etc.

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