Case: IronDT

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Creating an online store for the American company IronDT Corp, which specializes in selling agricultural machinery parts in the USA.


The agency was tasked with quickly migrating the old PrestaShop website, ensuring the transfer of a large assortment of 50+ thousand SKUs, setting up product feed to Google Merchant, integrating with the accounting system for price and stock updates, and enabling interaction with CRM for order processing.

Work Done

Information pages, categories, and assortment were migrated from the old website with URL redirects.
Using AI, the process of improving product descriptions was automated, HTML formatting was added, and products were properly categorized.
The process of updating prices and availability for a large number of SKUs was optimized, ensuring updates every hour, significantly reducing the number of canceled orders.
Product listings were configured for Google Merchant Center.
Integration with the client's custom CRM was conducted, enabling order information exchange, status changes, and customer notifications about shipping.


Within two months from the start of the project, sales were launched, and a conversion rate twice as high as the previous website was achieved.

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